Voting 1

It’s hard for today’s blog post not to be about politics. So, for the next best thing, I’ll talk about voting.

Voting in Cambridge today was interesting. It was my first presidential election that I voted in for real, not by absentee. Massachusetts is surely not a swing state and I voted the way most everyone else did. But here are some interesting notes:

My wait time living in Central Square was about one hour. I don’t really know if that’s ridiculous or not, but people in other precincts that I talked to didn’t have that wait. I don’t really think that this was due to any particular sort of incompetence, but we maybe could have used more organizers and more booths.

I luckily did not experience the disaster that was the significant amount of voters who did not show up as registered due to a computer error. These kind of errors at least border on being, if not are completely are, inexcusable. If we were in a swing state (which in my opinion shouldn’t acually escalate the issue) it could be the subject of national debate.

Finally, despite being instructed to fill in the bubble completely, I was required to attempt to do this on the ricketyest table I’ve ever written on. It jostled about as other people came to vote. It made it much more difficult to fill in my bubble, and I would gladly invest an extra $5 a year in taxes to pay for a table with legs! I am certain this issue contributed at least slightly to my long wait time!

So, congratulations to the winners tonight, and I’m glad most of the propositions I personally supported went the way I both hoped they would and think is reasonable.

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One thought on “Voting

  • Clara

    Yeah, I waited like five minutes to vote. But then I live in Real Cambridge, none of this elitist urban “Central” business!